1. Internationalisation

Pipobot uses the gettext module for internationalisation purposes. You can use the following functions to render your module translatable.


These functions take a string in argument and return the translated string. Sample usage:

self.bot.say(_("Hello, World!"))

When one of these two functions are used, the string passed in parameter will be automatically proposed for translation.

If you want to translate a string format, pass only the format to the function:

self.bot.say(_("Hello, %s") % name)

If you have more than one format parameter, it is better to name them explicitely because the translator may want to reverse the order:

self.bot.say(_("Today is %(month)s, %(day)d") % {'month': month,
    'day': day})
ngettext(singular, plural, n)

ngettext is used to translate expressions which can be pluralised. Sample usage:

self.bot.say(ngettext("You have %d message", "You have %d messages",
    message_count) % message_count)

Always use ngettext instead of if message_count == 1: because some languages have pluralization rules different from English (for instance, in French, 0 is singular, not plural, and in Polish, there are 5 different plural forms depending on the item count)


N_ is a no-op. It just returns the string passed in parameter. It is used to mark strings which should be translatable but cannot be directly translated because the translation system is not already active (so _, gettext and ngettext are unavailable). That may be the case for strings defined as constants in a Python module or as a class attribute.

For instance:

HELLO_MESSAGE = N_("Hello, World!")
def say_hello():
    print _(HELLO_MESSAGE)

You do not need to import anything to use these functions: they are always defined at the global level.

2. Translation handling

Pipobot uses the babel module to handle translations. If you intend to add new translations or update existing ones, you will need to install this module.

2.1. New language

To translate Pipobot to a new language (for instance zz_ZZ, use the following commands (from the directory containing the setup.py script):

python setup.py extract_messages # Extract the messages from Pipobot’s sources
python setup.py init_catalog -l zz_ZZ # Create a translation catalog for the specified language

You can now edit pipobot/i18n/zz_ZZ/LC_MESSAGES/pipobot.po (with a standard text editor or POEdit, for instance) and translate every message. When done, run:

python setup.py compile_catalog # Compile the translation catalog

The translation can now be used by Pipobot.

2.2. Update an existing language

To update an existing translation catalog in order to take into account the changes in Pipobot’s source code, run the following commands (replace zz_ZZ with the name of the catalog you want to update):

python setup.py extract_messages # Extract the messages from Pipobot’s sources
python setup.py update_catalog -l zz_ZZ # Update the translation catalog for the specified language

You can now edit pipobot/i18n/zz_ZZ/LC_MESSAGES/pipobot.po (with a standard text editor or POEdit, for instance) and translate every message. When done, run:

python setup.py compile_catalog # Compile the translation catalog

The translation can now be used by Pipobot.